Exploring Enterprise 4

Roe Valley Enterprises Ltd is the local delivery agent for the Exploring Enterprise 4 Programme in the Limavady area.

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The programme is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 Investment for Jobs and Growth Programme, the Department for the Economy, Causeway Coast and Glens Council and Enterprise Northern Ireland..

The Exploring Enterprise 4 Programme is aimed at people who are currently not in employment, self-employment or training (less than 16hrs per wk), who are thinking about starting their own business or who are keen expand their skills and move back into employment.

The Exploring Enterprise 4 Programme:

  • Is a free programme which aims to help local people into sustainable employment or self-employment;
  • Offers mentoring and training at a pace tailored to individual participant needs;
  • Helps participants work towards achieving a recognised qualification.

What’s involved?

  • Pre-Assessment Meeting
  • Group Training Sessions
  • Small group sessions combined with specific 1-2-1 help
  • Post Assessment and advice on moving forward
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